Learning and Growing: People and Skills

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The 'Learning and Growing: People and Skills' theme aims to support the provision of quality learning and training that enables people of all ages to fulfil their potential, both personally and professionally.

Interventions, outputs and outcomes

Capital and revenue expenditure in years one, two and three for people and skills
 Year Capital Revenue
 Year 2  £0  £2,664,000
 Year 3  £0  £2,833,920


  • W34: Employment support for economically inactive people: Intensive and wrap-around one-to-one support to move people closer to mainstream provision and to gain and retain employment, including wraparound support to people undertaking apprenticeships, supplemented by additional and/or specialist life and basic skills (digital, English, maths* and ESOL) support where there are local provision gaps. Funding for vocational training for economically inactive people, where the provision is additional to that funded via mainstream provision. This provision can include projects promoting the importance of work to help people to live healthier and more independent lives, alongside building their future financial resilience and wellbeing. expected cohorts include, but are not limited to people with multiple complex needs (homeless, care leavers, ex/ offenders, people with substance abuse problems and victims of domestic violence), people with a disability and health condition, people aged over 50, women, young people not in education, employment or training, and people from an ethnic minority. *via Multiply.
  • W35: Courses including basic skills (digital, English, maths (via Multiply) and ESOL), and life skills and career skills** provision for people who are not economically inactive and who are unable to access other training or wrap around support detailed above. Supplemented by financial support for learners to enrol onto courses and complete qualifications. Beyond that, this intervention will also contribute to building community cohesion and facilitate greater shared civil pride, leading to better integration for those benefitting from ESOL support. **where not being met through Department for Work and Pensions or Welsh Government provision.
  • W36: Activities such as enrichment and volunteering to improve opportunities and promote wellbeing.
  • W38: Tailored support to help people in employment, who are not supported by mainstream provision to address barriers to accessing education and training courses. This includes supporting the retention of groups who are likely to leave the labour market early.
  • W39: Support for local areas to fund local skills needs. This includes technical and vocational qualifications and courses up to level 2 and training for vocational licences relevant to local area needs and high-value qualifications where there is a need for additional skills capacity that are not being met through other provision.
  • W43: Funding to support engagement and softer skills development for young people, with regard to the work of Careers Wales/Working Wales.


Outputs for people and skills
 OutputsTarget (numerical value)
Number of economically inactive people engaging with keyworker support services (W34)  575
Number of economically inactive people supported to engage with the benefits system (W34)  100
Number of socially excluded people accessing support (W34)  600
Number of people supported to access basic skills courses (W34, W43)  1,130
Number of people accessing mental and physical health support leading to employment (W34)  260
Number of people supported to engage in job-searching (W34)  400
Number of people receiving support to gain employment (W34)  295
Number of people receiving support to sustain employment (W34)  100
Number of effective engagements between keyworkers and additional services (W34)  315
Number of people supported to gain a qualification (W34, W35, W38, W39, W43)  970
Number of people supported to engage in life skills (W35, W43)  1,890
Number of people supported onto a course through provision of financial support (W35)  275
Number of people supported to participate in education (W36)  890
Number of volunteering opportunities supported (W36)  240
Number of people taking part in work experience programmes (W36)  345
Number of people retraining (W36)  80
Number of people in employment engaging with the skills system (W38)  80
Number of people receiving support to gain a vocational licence (W38, W39)  130


Outcomes for people and skills
 OutcomesTarget (numerical value)
Number of economically inactive individuals engaging with benefits system following support (W34)  75
Number of active or sustained participants in community groups as a result of support (W34)  490
Number of people reporting increased employability through development of interpersonal skills funded by UKSPF (W34)  475
Number of people with basic skills following support (W34)  140
Number of people in supported employment (W34)  20
Number of people sustaining engagement with keyworker support and additional services (W34)  320
Number of people engaged in job-searching following support (W34)  360
Number of people in employment, including self-employment, following support (W34, W35, W36)  450
Number of people sustaining employment for 6 months (W34)  90
Number of people in education/training following support (W35, W36, W39)  930
Number of people experiencing reduced structural barriers into employment and into skills provision (W35, W36)  1,230
Number of people familiarised with employers’ expectations, including, standards of behaviour in the workplace (W36)  595
Number of people gaining qualifications, licences and skills (W38)  60
Number of economically active individuals engaged in mainstream skills education and training (W39)  100
Increased number of people gaining qualifications, licences and skills (W43) Target not currently set
Increased number of people engaged in life skills support following interventions (W43) Target not currently set

Projects for this theme

The projects for this theme are: