UKSPF project: Working Denbighshire (WD) Strategic Programme

Project lead: Denbighshire County Council
Project overview
Working Denbighshire aims to tackle poverty by supporting Denbighshire residents into education, employment and training.
The programme provides a simplified and streamlined route for all residents to access support and ensure allocation to projects with expertise relevant to their particular needs.
Project updates
March 2024
Since April, Working Denbighshire has supported 484 Denbighshire residents who were socially excluded. We have been able to provide a variety of services, including work placements, CV and application advice, interview skills, wellbeing advice, confidence development, and resilience for individuals who are the furthest away from the workforce. To make sure we interact with people in the communities they live in, we have collaborated with the Denbighshire Engagement and Wellbeing Collective, Denbighshire Citizens Advice, and the libraries, social, community, and housing departments within Denbighshire County Council.
Our paid placements with local employers have included food & drink, retail, construction, animal care, education, social care, administration and many others.
Since the autumn the project has been able to offer training including:
- Barista training and Food Hygiene Certificates – supporting people into the hospitality and catering industry
- Training and licenses to support people into the construction sector
- Adult and Paediatric first aid – supporting people into caring professions
- SIA courses allowing entry into the security sector
- Forklift truck and other qualification supporting the warehouse and manufacturing sector
- A range of practical equipment courses supporting people into gardening and countryside management
We have held multiple events throughout the year including a Jobs Fair in January, which had a record breaking attendance.