Be a councillor

Our councillors should come from all walks of life to reflect our society and be representative of our diverse communities. We need people of all ages and backgrounds to put their names forward for election.

YouTube: ever thought about being a councillor in Wales? (external website)

Visit the be a councillor website (external website) for useful information about what councillors do and the support available to them in the role.

The role of a councillor

The role of a councillor

Can you answer yes to the following:

  • do you want to represent your local community and help local people?
  • do you want to use your skills to help your community?
  • are you concerned about the future of local services?
  • could you be the voice of your community?

If so, you should think about standing for election as a local councillor!

Denbighshire County Council needs local councillors with a wide range of skills, talents and interests that reflect the county’s diverse population. 

A councillor’s main role is to represent the interests and well-being of people who live in the ward they represent. This community leadership role allows regular and clear communication between your residents and the Council and between the Council and the people living and working in your area.

Local councillors also have an important role to play in developing policies that meet the needs of their communities, by balancing priorities and resources to make sure that the right types of services are being delivered to residents.

A councillor’s role is varied, interesting and rewarding but it requires committing both effort and time - you will decide how of each you bring to the role. You will be in regular contact with residents, businesses and Council officers as well as expected to take part in Council committee meetings.

As a councillor you will work as part of a team responsible for making Denbighshire a terrific place to live, work and visit, where the county’s residents are at the heart of everything that the Council does.

Learn more in our how the Council works section, which includes information about the current political make-up, committee and management structures, budgets and more.

Am I eligible to stand?

Am I eligible to stand?

Elections for Denbighshire County Council are held every 5 years. The next elections will be held on 5 May 2022.

You are legally eligible to be a candidate if any of the following apply:

  • you are at least 18-years-old and are on the electoral register for the Denbighshire County Council area and that your home (in the last twelve months) is in the County
  • you work in the County (and have worked here for 12 months or longer)
  • you own property in the County (for 12 months or longer)

You are not eligible to be a candidate if any of the following apply:

  • you are bankrupt, and there is a Bankruptcy Restrictions Order (or a temporary order) against you
  • you have been found guilty of a crime in the past five years and you have been sentenced to three months or more in prison
  • you work for Denbighshire County Council in a post that has political restrictions*

*Unless your post is politically restricted, working for Denbighshire County Council means you qualify as a candidate, although you would have to resign if you were elected.

How do I stand for election?

How do I stand for election?

Once you have decided to stand for election, you will need to decide whether you want to stand for election as an independent councillor or whether you want to stand as a member of a political party. The political parties in your area will be looking for people who are interested in representing them on the Council. If you choose to stand as a representative of a political party, they can help you with your campaign and in your work as a councillor if you are elected. Information on local political parties in the area can be found on parties own websites.

If you wish to stand as a candidate, be that as an independent candidate or one affiliated to a political party, the required forms, information and guidelines will be available from the Electoral Commission Website (external website) a few weeks before the beginning of the nomination period, or you can contact:

Electoral Services
Denbighshire County Council
County Hall
Wynnstay Road
LL15 1YN


Phone: 01824 706000

Further information can be found on the following websites:

What happens if I’m elected?

What happens if I’m elected?

Following their election, all councillors are invited to take part in a programme of induction training. These events explain how the Council works. You will be given specific training on the role and work of any committees you serve on.

Training opportunities are a feature of the role, with councillor briefing sessions and development events available for all councillors throughout their term on the Council.

In addition, professional officers from the Council will be available to support and advise you with any questions or problems you may have, or may arise in your ward.

What facilities and support are available for councillors?

What facilities and support are available for councillors?

Staff from the Council’s Democratic Services department are available to answer any questions about Council meetings and the roles of the various committees in decision-making.

Computer / IT / communication provision

These days, the Council’s work is done electronically wherever possible. As a result, the use of Information Technology (IT) is an essential part of a councillor’s day to day work when dealing with Council business. You will be provided with computer equipment, a mobile phone and a Council e-mail address to use when undertaking Council work. Training on all aspects of IT (including one-to-one training sessions), will be offered to all councillors on how to use the equipment provided. In addition, the ICT Helpdesk is always available to any councillor who needs technical support.


Public meetings of Denbighshire County Council and its main committees, including Cabinet, Scrutiny Committees and the Planning Committee are generally webcast (external website) live on the Council’s website. Anyone who speaks at these meetings can do so in either English or Welsh. For the benefit of non-Welsh speakers, a simultaneous translation service is available to translate any addresses delivered in Welsh. This service is available in the meeting room itself and for those joining remotely or watching the meeting on webcast.

Meetings are held in various forms, including: face to face, remotely via video conference or a combination of both methods (hybrid meetings).

Councillors’ attendance at each meeting, regardless of whether it is in person or remotely, is recorded and placed on the Council’s website for the public record. The website will also contain the names of all county councillors, their contact details, and their photograph.

Provision for disabled councillors 

The Council’s buildings are suitable for disabled people, with parking spaces for disabled people located near the entrances. Lifts are available in the Council’s main buildings to access meeting rooms with emergency provisions in place if a building needs to be evacuated.

Pay and allowances

All councillors are entitled to receive a basic annual salary for their work. This salary is paid directly by Bankers Automated Clearing Services (BACS) on the 28th of every month. Councillors with additional responsibilities, such as Cabinet members and Committee Chairs receive higher salaries. Reasonable expenses, including travelling expenses to attend meetings, can also be paid.

Councillors can also claim reimbursement of care costs to provide care for dependants when they are undertaking Council-related duties. They can also be entitled to maternity pay. Care costs will be reimbursed to councillors with caring responsibilities for children, a dependant adult or personal care requirements. More information about payments available for elected members can be found on the Welsh Government’s website and the page on  payments to Elected Members (external website).

There is also an option for councillors to join and contribute to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) (external website).