Councillors and committees

Find your local councillor, information about committees, agendas and minutes.

Appointment of 2 Independent Members to the Standards Committee for Denbighshire County Council

We are looking to appoint 2 Independent Members to the Council’s Standards Committee who are responsible for promoting, maintaining and improving ethical arrangements within the Authority and the City, Town and Community Councils within Denbighshire.

Services and information

Find your councillor

Local councillors, wards and how to get in touch.

Meetings, minutes and agendas

View meetings calendar, agendas and minutes.

How the council works

What the council does and how it works.


Find out what committees do and view their meeting minutes and agendas.

Find a Member of the Senedd

Members of the Senedd represent residents at Welsh Parliament.

Find a Member of Parliament (MP)

Members of Parliament represent us in the House of Commons.

Be a councillor (external website)

Find out about what councillors do and how to become one.

Councillors' allowances

Find out what allowances are paid out to our councillors.

City, town and community councils

Find your local city, town and community council.

Webcasts (external website)

Watch meetings from our Council Chamber.

Scrutiny committees

Find out about Scrutiny committees.

Delegated decisions

Delegated decisions.

Council constitution

Council constitution including Members' Code of Conduct.