Application to become a licensed wedding venue: Yr Hen Lys/the Old Courthouse, Ruthin (completed)
This consultation is now closed.
Denbighshire County Council
Marriage Act 1949
Civil Partnership Act 2004
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the above that an application has been made by IOLO WILLIAMS, RUTHIN TOWN COUNCIL for the premises known as YR HEN LYS/THE OLD COURTHOUSE, RUTHIN, for a grant of approval to enable civil marriages to be solemnised/civil partnerships to be registered at these premises.
The application and accompanying plan will be available for inspection for 21 days from the date of this notice at the office of the Head of Corporate Support Services: People, County Hall, Wynnstay Road, Ruthin, Denbighshire LL15 1YN.
Within that time any person may give notice in writing to the above address of an objection to the grant of approval, with reasons for the objection.
Catrin Roberts
Proper Officer
Any person may give notice in writing by completing the online form below, or to the address above, of an objection to the grant of approval, with reasons for the objection.
- Start date: 25 Februay 2025
- End date: 18 March 2025
This consultation received 1 response which we are currently reviewing.
We will provide an update on the status of this application in due course.