Careers in Social Care in Denbighshire

Are you looking for a new job, challenge, or change in career? Working in care could be perfect for you.

Services and information

About careers in social care

Information about jobs, placements and work experience in social work and care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about working in social care? Find the answer here.

Your employment with Denbighshire County Council

As an employer, we focus on communication, equality and people-friendly policies.

Denbighshire: A place to live

Find out about everything that Denbighshire has to offer.

Catherine's story

Case studies: Catherine's story.

Kendal's story

Case studies: Kendal's story.

Kira's story

Case studies: Kira's story.


Les' story

Case studies: Les' story.

Sheila's story

Case studies: Shiela's story.


Contact us

If there is something we haven't covered and you would like further information about or, you have decided social care is the career for you and you would like to register your interest to attend a workshop, please contact us by completing our enquiry form