Performance management

One to One form and Conversation Tool

We know that our people are our most important asset, and you and your skills, experience and knowledge are at the heart of all we do and all that we achieve.

Therefore, we want to focus on you – to hear your thoughts, understand your needs and aspirations – and provide you with dedicated time and resources to focus on this.

One to One meetings will enable you to do this, and help you to take responsibility for your own engagement and development. Use this opportunity to explore what’s important to you, and to have a conversation with your manager about what you need and how we can support you to achieve your goals.

Frequency of One to Ones

We recommend that employees have a One to One every month, but we understand that in some departments this is not practical or possible. It is however, essential that you have at least three One to One meetings within a 12 month period to ensure that both you and your manager are having the opportunity to have a conversation.

At the beginning of each new One to One period, the manager and employee will need to agree the frequency and method of One to One meetings.