August 2022 update
Thank you to all partners who fed into the development of the Denbighshire element of the Regional Investment Plan for Shared Prosperity Funding.
North Wales Local Authorities worked together in a staged approach to pull together a regional plan for submission on 1 August. This was at a very high level and designed to simply unlock the allocations for each Local Authority. Gwynedd Council is leading on the North Wales Plan on behalf of the six authorities.
The main focus of the Regional Investment Plan did not go further than selection of "interventions". The interventions spread across the 3 pillars (People & Skills, Supporting Local Business, and Communities & Place) effectively describe the scope of eligible activity.
Through stakeholder engagement, we were able to determine that there is enough need/interest in Denbighshire to include 29 interventions in our thinking, and this is reflected in the drafting of the Regional Plan
Denbighshire, like the other Local Authorities in the region, has not asked for formal funding requests or Expressions of Interests at this time (as they have done in other parts of Wales) but have welcomed feedback on the types of local activity that align with the UK Govt Interventions.
Ideas would ultimately need to demonstrate how they can deliver the outputs and outcomes required in Denbighshire (and show strategic alignment with documents such as the Council's Corporate Plan). They will be shared with an Advisory Partnership Board, membership of which is mandated by UK Govt, who will make recommendations to the Council for investment. The Governance process for this is in development, and we will update this page and share more information once this is developed.
Meanwhile, if you have any queries please email