What do I do with e-cigarettes or vapes?

You can recycle e-cigarettes and vapes by putting them in a single-use plastic bag, tying the bag securely and then placing the bag on top of the appropriate container for your recycling and waste collections service or at a Recycling and Waste Park:

Trolibocs service

  • E-cigarette placed in clear bag on top of trolibocs

    Please place e-cigarettes and vapes in a single-use plastic bag, tying the bag securely and then placing the bag on top of your Trolibocs.


E-cigarettes or vapes can contain batteries and persistent organic pollutants. They can be recycled but, because they contain batteries, they should not be put in your Trolibocs or bags.

E-cigarettes or vapes of any type must not be placed in any of your waste containers due to fire risk in your bin, our waste collection vehicles or at the waste treatment facility.

E-cigarettes or vapes are harmful to the environment. Many e-cigarette or vape retailers provide free recycling facilities. You can take them with you when you travel to these outlets to dispose of them safely.

Search for the nearest place you can recycle your used e-cigarettes or vapes at Recycle Your Electricals (external website).

More information

The household recycling and waste services are only for residents of Denbighshire.

Businesses, charities and public sector organisations have the option of using our trade waste services or a private licensed waste management contractor.

Find out more, including what trade waste services we offer.