
It is the owners, or persons carrying out works, responsibility to find out which permission is needed for a household project.

Addressing the nature emergency through the planning system

Learn about the latest updates to Chapter 6 of Planning Policy Wales, including the need to submit a Green Infrastructure Statement with all planning applications.

Services and information

Planning compliance charter

Read our Planning compliance charter.

Planning permission

Find out if you need permission or approval for certain works.

Planning advice

We can provide advice on planning issues.

Make a planning application

Submit an application for planning permission.

Search and comment on applications

View and have your say on current applications.

Local Development Plan (LDP)

The LDP determines where new development will take place.

Planning enforcement

Find out what we can investigate and how to report a planning breach.

Conservation areas and listed buildings

Find out about conservation areas and listed buildings in Denbighshire.

Planning fees, exemptions and reductions

Information about the planning fees, exemptions and reductions.

Ordinary Watercourse Consent

Get information on applying for Ordinary Watercourse Consent.


Find out about biodiversity in Denbighshire.

Trees, hedges and grass

We maintain trees, hedges and grass on council owned land.

Planning Committee

Details of the Denbighshire County Council Planning Committee.

Advertisement consent

Find out if you need to apply for advertisement consent.

Childminding and Children's Day Care

Find out if you need to apply for planning permission to run a Childminding or Children’s Day Care business from a property.

Planning developments with drainage impacts

We need detailed information to be submitted with any planning application which has drainage implications.

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)

Find out about SuDS including how to apply for approval.

Planning services performance reports (external website)

Information on the performance of local planning authorities.

Former North Wales Hospital

Information about the Former North Wales Hospital

Local Authority Searches

Land charge searches are carried out when buying a property or piece of land to see if restrictions affect the land or property.

Common land and village greens

We hold the registers for both common land and village greens within Denbighshire.


How to appeal if your planning application has been refused.

Major infrastructure developments

View information about major infrastructure developments.

National Infrastructure Planning (external website)

Find out about proposed Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within England and Wales.

Developments of National Significance (DNS) (external website)

A DNS is a type of planning application for a large infrastructure project of national importance in Wales.

Planning Scheme of Delegation

View our Planning Scheme of Delegation.