Dog breeding licence

Any person who keeps a breeding establishment for dogs needs to be licensed under the Animal Welfare (Breeding Dogs) (Wales) Regulations 2014 (external website).

What are the regulations?

These regulations have introduced important changes that, as a dog breeder you need to be aware of:

  • A dog breeding license is now required where a person keeps 3 or more breeding bitches and; 
    • breeds 3 or more litters a year 
    • advertises 3 or more litters a year 
    • supplies puppies born from 3 or more litters 
    • advertises a business of breeding or selling puppies
  • The licensed premise must have a minimum staffing ratio of a least 1 full time attendant per 20 adult dogs.
  • The licensing authority must receive a written environment enrichment plan and a socialisation programme with the application.
  • The breeder must supply details in the application of the "anticipated number of adult dogs and puppies present on the premises at any one time".
  • Before inspection is carried out we must receive a written health report from your veterinary surgeon that the breeding bitches and stud dogs are fit to be used in the breeding establishment.

How do I apply for this licence?

You will need 4 different documents in order to apply for a dog breeding licence. These include:

  1. Application form for a dog breeding license (PDF, 404KB)
  2. A written environment enrichment plan (external website)
  3. A socialisation plan (external website)
  4. A report from your Veterinary Surgeon (MS Word, 169KB) stating that the breeding bitches and stud dogs are fit to be used in the breeding establishment

A dog breeding licence is valid for one year. You will need to renew your licence at the end of this time, by completing and submitting a new application form.

How much does it cost?

A breeding licence is £250 with additional veterinary report costs.

The additional veterinary report cost will be invoiced after the inspection.

If you wish to pay by card please contact 01824 706000 quoting REF DB + your name and address as the reference number and payment code 3472140088

What happens after you apply?

Before issuing a licence the Council will inspect a premises with our designated vet to ensure that:

  • the dogs will at all times be kept in accommodation suitable as respects construction, size of quarters, number of occupants, exercising facilities, temperature, lighting, ventilation and cleanliness
  • the dogs will be adequately supplied with suitable food, drink and bedding material, adequately exercised, and visited at suitable intervals
  • all reasonable precautions will be taken to prevent and control the spread among dogs of infectious or contagious diseases
  • appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that the dogs will be provided with suitable food, drink and bedding material when being transported to or from the breeding establishment
  • bitches are not mated if they are less than one year old
  • bitches do not give birth to more than six litters of puppies each
  • bitches do not give birth to puppies before the end of the period of twelve months beginning with the day on which they last gave birth to puppies
  • accurate records in a form prescribed by regulations are kept at the premises
  • the minimum staffing ratio is adhered to 

Within the time of the licence unannounced and announced visit can be undertaken.

Current licensed dog breeders in Denbighshire

There are licensed dog breeders for certain types of dogs in the following areas:


  • Labradors
  • Miniature Dachshund


  • Cocker-poos
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Labradors


  • Cocker Spaniels
  • Labradors


  • Dachshund
  • French bull dogs
  • GSD


  • Beagles
  • Jack Russells
  • Labradors
  • Cocker Spaniels
  • Springer Spaniels