Homelessness prevention and housing related support services

Advice and support is available to citizens in Denbighshire who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The Welsh Government provides funding under the Housing Support Grant for support projects for citizens who are aged 16 and over.

In Denbighshire we have a range of projects, including fixed-site supported housing and floating support (where a support worker is based out in the community), supporting over 1,000 people at any one time. 

Denbighshire housing related support projects are aligned with statutory homelessness duties. The Denbighshire Homelessness Prevention Team can offer advice and support regarding homelessness legislation.

Homelessness means being without a safe and secure place to live. This includes things like ‘sofa-surfing’, living in unsuitable accommodation, accessing emergency beds and sleeping rough. It can mean facing a number of difficult and traumatic experiences. Homelessness or risk of homelessness can happen, and continue, for many different reasons, including evictions (not necessarily because of any fault of the tenant), relationship / family breakdown, being unable to cope because of experiencing traumas or other support needs, and people just not having enough money to keep their home, perhaps because of a job loss or changes to benefits. 

Our housing related support services are for people 16+ who live in Denbighshire and are homeless or at risk of losing their home. We aim to prevent homelessness wherever possible, working with the community and our partners to identify and tackle its causes, and empower people to live as independently as possible.  

You can make a referral for these services by completing the referral form, and sending it to spoa@denbighshire.gov.uk 

How to get help

To get help and advice, and to talk through your options, you can:

Help yourself with our homeless prevention guide.

Out of hours

If you become homeless outside working hours, and you have nowhere safe to sleep you can call our out of hours service on 0300 123 30 68.

When you contact us, we will talk to you about your situation and assess what your needs are so that we can find the most suitable way to support you.

If you want to make a referral to a support project, complete and return this referral form.

You can find details of the organisations we work with in the directory of housing-related support services.

Directory of housing-related support services 2024 to 2025 (PDF, 303KB)

You can find out more about our Housing Related Support by reading our Local Commissioning Plan for 2019-22.

Supporting People / Homelessness Prevention commissioning plan 2019 to 2022 (PDF, 912KB)

Related documents

Homelessness Prevention Pathway Approach (PDF, 390KB)