Let us know about a change (council tax)
If you have moved in or out of Denbighshire, then you can complete our online change of address form.
Let us know about a change of address
For any other changes, including changes to discounts, you can contact us.
Please include full addresses and exact dates so that we can make the necessary changes. In some cases you may need to provide additional information.
If you or someone has moved to/from a property, it is important that you inform us so that your account can be opened, closed or changed.
Buying/Selling a property
We do not make any changes until a sale is completed, please contact us on or after the day the sale has taken place.
When someone passes away
We understand this is a difficult time and do not expect to be updated immediately. However, the sooner we are informed the quicker we can apply an exemption or make necessary changes.
Who can tell the council tax team about a change?
We suggest that any parties involved in a change contact us to ensure that any discount or exemptions are awarded correctly. We also accept information from estate agents and solicitors.
Chat to an adviser
Chat to an adviser online. Monday to Thursday: 9am to 5pm. Friday: 9am to 4:30pm.