Denbighshire Micro-provider Directory

This directory is designed to be used by people and their families who are looking for care and support, as well as health and social care professionals. This directory contains details of a wide variety of individual micro-providers and what they have to offer. 

Denbighshire Micro-provider Directory (PDF, 764KB)

Denbighshire County Council have supported these micro-providers to deliver personalised, high-quality care and support in the community across the region. These micro-providers deliver a wide range of help and support to older people, and people with disabilities. This helps people to stay safe and well at home and gives them choice and control over their care and support. 

These micro-providers have completed a development programme where they have received advice and support in setting up their service to ensure they focus on the wellbeing, care and health of local people. All micro-providers on this directory have also signed a self-declaration confirming they have completed certain legal aspects and training. 

It is important to be aware that just because a micro-provider is on this directory, it does not mean that they have been accredited or approved in any way by Denbighshire County Council. 

It is strongly recommended that before you use the services of a micro-provider you speak to or meet them first. You will be purchasing services or support directly from them, so you need to be sure they do what you want in the way you want it. 

Help guide to using a Micro-provider

Denbighshire County Council cannot accept any responsibility or liability for the information provided by any micro-provider on this list. We cannot guarantee quality or satisfaction of the services provided by any micro-provider on this list.

If you want any more information about the Development Programme please contact Nick Hughes, Deputy Team Manager, Edge of Care Team Denbighshire on or 07747461646.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, contact Denbighshire County Council Adult Social Care and Homelessness Service Safeguarding Team on 0300 4561 000 8am – 6pm Mon to Fri and 10am – 4pm on weekends and Bank Holidays; 0345 053 3116 outside of these hours.