In an emergency, if someone’s life is in danger or a crime is in progress, always dial: 999.
Please only use this number for genuine emergencies.
Find out more about when, and when not to, use the emergency line (external website).
For non-emergencies dial: 101 or 0300 330 0101.
Before calling this number, ask yourself if it really is a matter for the police or whether there might be another agency better placed to help you.
Report a crime anonymously
If you would like to report someone without giving your name, then you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111 or completing their online form.
Crimestoppers: Give information anonymously (external website)
Report a hate crime
A hate crime is a crime or incident committed because of who you are, or who someone thinks you are.
If someone targets you because of your age, disability, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, gender or lifestyle choice (e.g. Goth), then this is a hate crime. This may include:
- verbal abuse
- offensive graffiti
- threatening behaviour
- damage to property
- assault
- cyber bullying
- abusive texts, emails or phone calls
- taking money from you
You can report a hate crime and get support on the Victim Support website (external website).