Log in or register your business rates account
You can keep track of your business rates and make changes with an online account. Registering is quick and easy.
Important message about Business Rates e-bills
We have identified an issue with our annual e-bills that affects how the 9-digit reference number appears. Due to a formatting error, the space between the reference number and the bill number is missing, making the reference number appear as an 11-digit number.
When making a payment or using online services, please use only the first 9 digits of the reference number.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve the issue.
Log in or register your account
With an online account, you can:
View your details online
Find out when and how much your payments will be.
Set up e-Billing
Receive bills and notifications through your email.
Make a payment arrangement
Set up a payment plan to pay your business rates.
Sign up for Direct Debit
Paying by Direct Debit is safe and easy - set up a Direct Debit to pay your business rates.
Search for a rateable value
Find out the rateable value of a property.