Health and wellbeing

Information about the health and wellbeing support available to help with the cost of living.

Services and information

Pension Credit (external website)

Pension Credit provides extra money to help with living costs for people over State Pension age and on a low income.

Citizens Advice Denbighshire (external website)

Citizens Advice Denbighshire provide free, confidential and impartial advice and campaign on big issues affecting people's lives.

Period Dignity

Free period products for students (aged 8 to 18) and residents receiving low-income benefits in Denbighshire.

Money and mental health (external website)

Money worries can have a big impact on our mental health. Get information and support about money and mental health form Mind.

Five Ways to Wellbeing (external website)

Information from Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) about the five simple things we can all do to give our wellbeing a boost.

Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council (DVSC): Wellbeing (external website)

The DVSC is committed to working in partnership with the 3rd Sector to improve the wellbeing of people living in Denbighshire.

Adferiad Recovery (external website)

Services for people in Wales with mental health problems, substance misuse problems, and those with co-occurring and complex needs.

KIM Inspire (external website)

KIM supports people to improve mental health, coping strategies, social networks and opportunities for training, volunteering, employment and community integration.

Help From Hafal (external website)

Hafal provides a range of services across the 22 counties of Wales for people with a mental illness or disability and their carers.

Health and social care

Health and social care services from the council, the NHS and others.

Mental Health Hub (external website)

The Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) mental health and wellbeing hub has useful information and resources to help you get support that you may need.

Period Dignity

Free period products for students (aged 8 to 18) and residents on low-income benefits in Denbighshire.

Talking Points

Talking Points are a way for people to find out what help and support is available in their local area to improve their health and well-being.